Princess Smartypanda's Animal Jam Wiki

This wiki is dead now. No administrators will take care of it now. Please be warned this wiki may be occasionally messed with passing-byers, such as by adding swearing and other inappropriate content.

To report vandalism and other harmful misbehavior, especially the addition or linking of hateful, adult (such as sexual content or nudity), or illegal content, please report to SOAP or contact FANDOM staff.


Princess Smartypanda's Animal Jam Wiki

Here, some users wanted to be our position. Don't worry. This is the right place.


  • Admin: Has a right to do all of the stuff. Like editing Media Wiki pages, blocking bad users, and designing the theme. There are only 4 admin slots. You can't be this position if the list is full.
  • Chat moderater: Has the right to control chat. They can kick and ban users.
  • Rollback: Has a right to undo bad edits.

Request the rights

If you like to request the user rights, contact an admin. Later, there will be the poll to decide who will get the rights.


The poll

Coming soon!
